For Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice Cases
A Pain & Suffering Analysis Summary Report (a category of the Federal Rules of Evidence 1006) is a tool to evaluate non-economic damages that a client has experienced. It is developed by a specifically thorough review of the case, in all aspects. Every pain assessment documented by healthcare providers, as well as any quotes further describing the experience of pain, is gathered. Also, we take into account interviews with the client, as well as any pertinent journal entries that may illustrate the suffering the patient continues to undergo. We take into account the complications of the initial injury, as well as any medications or treatments that are required to help with the continued impact of the physical and emotional injuries.
One of the most poignant portions of the Pain and Suffering Analysis Summary Report is the vivid description of the complications and problems experienced by the client. This can be depicted, not only in a narrative, but in a graph, chart, photo, video, graphic illustration, or other means.
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